filippo donada

Leading MarketerZeta and Crushing Digital Entrepreneurship with Filippo Donada

As of 2021, digital marketing is on the rise and is only expected to keep rising. In fact, it is even suspected that it will surpass other job markets with time. Filippo Donada, a 27 year old Italian and medical doctor is just one successful example of those who have joined the trend with the company he co-founds, MarketerZeta. However, MarketerZeta differs from its other competing digital marketing platform counterparts and in a good way too. That was all part of the vision Donada had in mind for the company upon breathing it to life.

There are already ample digital marketing platforms out there that will teach you how to propel forth in the digital marketing industry and tips and tricks on how to be successful at it too. Donada and his crew were well aware of that and thus why they wanted to throw an extra bonus: to readily supply that opportunity for growth right there within reach through MarketerZeta itself. That is precisely where MarketerZeta differs amongst a crowd of other digital marketing platforms hence setting it apart from the competition. Just as MarketerZeta grows, its members also enjoy growth as well as Donada assures, “the more we grow they (i.e. members of MarketerZeta) grow.” It has become a merit that Donada particularly takes pride in.

It hasn’t been very long since Donada has co-founded MarketerZeta. In fact, just a short three year span back, Donada was in similar shoes as some of those who look up to him today via his Instagram social media platform that boasts an 18.5k following. But through a combination of time, focus, and family values, Donada has secured his foothold in a competitive yet growing industry. His vision of setting MarketerZeta apart from the competition has shown to be successful as not only is MarketerZeta growing prominence in Italy where it is based but it has also expanded to other European countries: Switzerland, Spain, and Great Britain to name a few of which Donada has mentioned. He hopes to add to the list of countries that MarketerZeta reaches. As he puts it, “our ambition has no limits on what we want to reach next.”

Ten years down the line, Donada hopes to be leading even bigger dreams. He hopes that MarketerZeta will reach a global scale such that he’ll be flying from destination to destination speaking on stages to inspire other fellow youngsters into pioneering in their own digital marketing paths. He wants to make a name for himself and become known as one of the original doctors to excel in the world of digital marketing and networking. The path is not easy but in the eyes of Donada, the struggle is what makes it worth it as he cites a favorite quote of his being along the lines of, “the greater the struggle, the more glorious the triumph.”

To have reached where he stands today, Donada has learned many lessons to pass on that other fellow entrepreneurs may benefit. He cites one of the most precious gifts being time. Being both a doctor and a thriving entrepreneur, it is safe to assume that Donada has a busy schedule under his belt. Thus, time has become all the more valuable and knowing how and to what to cater his time to has become of the essence. Another valued insight that Donada has acquired through time is as he puts it, “one good turn deserves another”. Asides from those aspects, another key component that has been a major contributing factor to his ongoing success is focus as Donada cites it as being what enabled him to co-found MarketerZeta on top of having already earned a medical degree. After all, it is no secret that a medical degree alone is a challenging feat in and of itself.

With the year 2021 under tow, and seeing the levels MarketerZeta has already reached, it is inevitable that great things are in store for the digital marketing company that stands out amongst so many. Backed by an ambitious and diligent co-founder like Donada, MarketerZeta is bound to experience a good run. To keep up with Filippo Donada and to stay up to date with what’s next for MarketerZeta, follow Donada’s Instagram handle.