goh rong yao

What Goh Rong Yao Learned from Starting his ECommerce Business

Rong Yao has built, grown, and scaled multiple six to seven-figure online businesses across a multitude of industries. His entrepreneurship has led him down a path of earning over one-million-dollars in sales using strategies such as funnels within his businesses. Rong Yao also specializes in marketing and scaling eCommerce businesses via paid traffic and influencer outreach. Rong Yao believes in a human-to-human policy, meaning that everyone who comes across this company is met with a person who is happy and willing to help them. This hospitality ensures customers keep coming back and customer service is held at a perfect standard.

Lessons to be learned

Rong Yao’s journey has proven to all that hard work and sacrifice will reap rewards and success. However, that was not always the case. Like everyone in the world, Rong Yao is human and has had to overcome some hurdles in order to get to where he is now. “My biggest lesson learned is to have patience when strategizing for a new business,” he says, thinking back to his early days of entrepreneurship. “Any business, especially one you are building from the ground up, takes time, patience, and a whole lot of hard work. You can’t get discouraged when results (or sales) don’t happen as quickly as you’d like.” Rong Yao goes on to say that success is not an easy target and everyone is prone to mess up or even miss the target completely. That being said, failure is never permanent. Misgivings can be utilized as lessons to further improve yourself in future endeavors.

Success on the rise

Through thick and thin, Rong Yao has built his business from the ground up, securing financial stability and a newfound ability to help others like him. When asked about his greatest success Rong Yao credited the timeline of business journey: “I started my eCommerce journey this year and managed to achieve seven figures in sales in just my first year of business.” Starting his  business in 2020, Rong Yao is proof that hard work, routine, persistence, and most of all patience are all key factors in securing a successful business.

Continuing the journey

Although Rong Yao has already had success in the eCommerce field, he has advice for those looking to follow in their footsteps. “ECommerce, while challenging at times, can be the most rewarding industry. In today’s climate, we’re seeing more online sales than ever before in history, so the market is out there.” Rong Yao is a strong believer that no market is over saturated. In fact, he argues that online sales will only become bigger as time goes on. “My biggest piece of advice is to get to know your product and thus, the target market that will seek to find it. Never under-estimate the power of words and make sure to tell a story that proves your product’s purpose.”

It is Rong Yao’s dedication and attention to detail within his craft that he has been able to make up to seven figures by living out his dream. He is living proof that with enough hard work and time, anything is possible.

Want to watch Rong Yao continue his journey to eCommerce success? Be sure to follow him on Facebook and Instagram (@gohrongyao) for more tips and tricks on thriving in the business world.